Friday, November 2, 2012


Note: “The views contained in these web pages are my personal views and do not
represent the views of NYU Langone Medical Center.”
I had this delicious, chocolately treat yesterday at the Silver Moon Bakery on 105th and Broadway on the Upper West Side. It was incredible. Actually, every treat I've had from this packed little French bakery is worth writing about. But tonight, I wanted to tell the story of how I got to be in this bakery yesterday with my two little girls.

Thursday was supposed to be a day of sleep. I was scheduled to work nights all week, and planned, against better judgment, to stay up all day on Wednesday to enjoy Halloween with my girls. Then after a full night at work with one or two freshly post-op patients, I hoped to sleep the day away. But Hurricane Sandy changed all of that....

On Sunday, just after noon, as sweet Brother Vogelman was going a little over-time with his Sunday School lesson, several cell phones started making emergency alert noises. Instead of a typical third-hour church meeting, our ward leadership pulled the whole congregation together to let us know that word had just been received that there was a mandatory evacuation of Zone A, the perimeter of downtown Manhattan and other sites in several boroughs, due to the approaching Hurricane Sandy. This area encompassed a large portion of our ward, including our own apartment on the South Street Seaport. As everyone began making arrangements to campout at a another place, host an evacuated family, or gather necessities to ride out the storm at home, we called my brother-in-law Jordan to ask if we could crash at his place. Honestly, I didn't think much of it, since Zone A had also been evacuated for Hurricane Irene, but not much had happened in downtown New York. I assumed this would be the same, but figured we might as well enjoy the family time.

We loaded up and headed to Jordan and Kristi's place (Kristi and their daughter were actually visiting family in Utah), carrying two days' worth of clothes and a couple gallons of water. On Monday, the subways were closed and James was exempt from going in to work, so we enjoyed a leisurely day together, actually waiting around for the storm to show up. I was still scheduled to work Monday night, and since the wind and rain were picking up in the early evening, I headed in about 6pm to make sure I didn't get held up by worsening weather. My cab zipped down to NYU Medical Center on nearly deserted roads. The closer we got to the East River, the worse the wind was whipping around the car.

As I stepped into the elevators to head to the 15th floor, I felt that knot in the pit of my stomach that caused me to say a quick prayer for strength to deal with whatever comes, thinking it was likely due to a sick patient that could have a difficult night. Jill, the day shift nurse practitioner, gave report on the 6 kids in our Pediatric Cardiac ICU, and then showed me the emergency food supply (chips and cookies!) that her and Maura had hoarded all day, just in case.

At about 7:30, the computer stopped working. Then the phones went out at around 8pm. The day shift nurses were still giving report to night shift when the power went out, and we switched over to generator power. Not a big deal, and almost expected. We ensured all the critical care equipment was plugged into the red emergency outlets.

A short while later, the generator tripped and our equipment reverted to battery power for about 10 minutes, though a few overhead lights stayed on. Our unit then returned to generator power, but we received word that the other pediatric units on the 9th floor were without the backup power. Several of our staff members (including 4 that had already worked 12 hours that day) went down to help the PICU and NICU staff support their patients and search for backup batteries for the fading equipment.

Around 10pm, I was informed that administration had announced we were to evacuate the hospital. NICU and PICU were to go first, and we were to be the last pediatric unit to go (except our one intubated patient), as we still had generator power.

The next two hours consisted of calling every hospital accesible with the closed bridges and tunnels to see who would take my patients. As planned, our intubated patient was the first to be transferred (and among the first of all the pediatric patients). The cardiology fellow carried the baby down the stairwell to the waiting ambulance, while our fabulous charge nurse manually ventilated the patient with a bag attached to his breathing tube.

I was still in the process of negotiating placement for the remainder of our patients when, just after 1am, we lost all power. The unit was pitch black, except for the red glow of the EXIT signs and the green glow of our battery operated medication pumps. I ran to the room of each patient to make sure everyone was OK, then called one of the hospitals back to inform them of the change in our condition. The fellow said she'd work on getting as many of our patients there as possible, but would need attending approval first (which is standard).
In the meantime, the FDNY showed up and said that we had to evacuate immediately. I wrapped up and held the patient I was most concerned about moving, and each nurse grabbed her patient. We were instructed to use the stairwell on the east side to carry the patients down the 15 flights. By the last flight of stairs, my legs were shaking from carrying the 34 pound child and my mind was endlessly repeating a prayer of pleading to steady my feet.

All five patients were safely brought to the lobby. And within several minutes, the outside hospitals graciously agreed to accept our patients. One hospital took four of our remaining patients (and a couple others of our surgical patients that were in the NICU), but asked that we provide staff to care for them as the additional patients would overrun their capacity. Nurses that had worked all day and now halfway through the night didn't think twice as they offered to stay with the patients as long as necessary.

Once I knew all my patients had a place to go and a team to transport them, I jumped in the ambulance where two of our nurses held babies in their arms. Our ambulance crew had driven most the day from their homes in Michigan to be on hand in case assistance was needed. It was quite the scene to see the seemingly endless line of ambulances that had come from across the country to be on call for just such a need.

The receiving staff at the outside hospital greeted us warmly and our patients were shortly made comfortable in their new beds. I was brought to the command center to obtain temporary credentialing and was amazed as I walked into a room of dozens of former adult NYU patients tucked into every corner or the large room. The activity was nonstop, but somehow felt like an organized form of chaos.

I was overcome by the positive attitudes and charity that was demonstrated in every phase of this unbelievable night (I only heard one grumbler, and she was doing it behind a closed door where she thought nobody could hear!). The nurses were the stars of the night. They worked tirelessly (and sleeplessly), providing the highest quality of care. They stayed calm, while preparing for the worst, and worked together in every step of the way. And I'll also be forever grateful to the attending doctor who walked down 48 flights of stairs in the dark and caught a cab in the flooded streets to come relieve me so I could go home to my family!

We came to find out that the hurricane led to storm surges above 13 feet, meaning waves from the East River were crashing against the east side of Manhattan. The hospital basement flooded severely, and our generators were no longer able to function. But miraculously, every patient was safely evacuated.

One of my fellow nurse practitioners took my Tuesday night shift to cover at the outside hospital so I could rest fully. And then all the patients were transferred on Wednesday to facilities that could care for the children with the staff they already had.

Leading me to an unplanned vacation with my family, safe on the Upper West Side, as we wait for the return of power to our devastated downtown. So here we are. And life goes on. The girls enjoyed trick-or-treating in makeshift costumes. And yesterday we stopped by a bakery for a chocolate chip cookie.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Buttery Bliss and "Backyards"

Last week, playgroup brought us to SoHo and the exciting Vesuvio Playground (equipped with a free public pool, a huge playground, swings, and sprinklers - the kids were in Heaven!). I was hoping our luck in finding a bakery nearby would be good since the playground was named after the iconic Vesuvio Bakery (which is now closed unfortunately). But I had no idea how lucky we would be!

We stumbled upon Dominique Ansel Bakery. It looked like a cute French bakery, but then I saw that their chalkboard sign said they were just named one of the Top 5 Destination Bakeries (still can't find where that title comes from, but I believe on).
I asked the lady to give me their best bakery item, so she suggested a DKA: Dominique's Kouign Amann. I had never heard of such a treat, but she described it as essentially a caramelized croissant. It was incredible!! The pastry was so tender and flaky. The caramelized exterior created the perfect texture - not gooey but not hard at all. And the center, where all the buttery caramel settled (but wasn't a messy pool), was seriously one of the best bites I've ever taken.

Hannah got a chocolate macaron, which didn't disappoint at all. Now I need to go back and try all the other amazing treats! My other favorite thing was the garden seating in the back. Such a relaxing atmosphere and the perfect place to enjoy a treat that will put you into a momentary butter coma!
So our trip to this amazing bakery and enjoying a peaceful moment sitting in patio furniture, surrounded by greenery and covered with natural shade, left me yearning for a backyard. Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying being a city dweller, but I'd like to introduce you to our "backyard":
Actually, we are very fortunate to have a balcony, and accomodating a full-size BBQ grill is one of the greatest perks of our place. But my husband feels that he has found the solution that will bring together the best of city and suburban dwelling: astroturf. He is certain that covering the cement balcony with a perfectly measured piece of fake grass will make for a very comfortable grilling/lounging space.

Let's just say that I haven't had the most open mind about this idea. Maybe it's my flashbacks of daily strolls through Durham on the sketchy side of Roxboro Road to get to our favorite walking path. It was not uncommon to see an overgrown lawn leading to a porch covered in astroturf, which was inevitably so worn down that its bright green hue was now a dingy gray.

So I tried googling astroturf, thinking I might find images of classy back patios covered in astroturf and topped off with a nice outdoor dining set. But the results weren't that reassuring. Mostly, I saw football fields and mini golf courses. Then there were a lot of random things covered in astroturf:

I wouldn't call it the epitome of class.

That said, I'm open to look at all angles. Any thoughts...?

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Grandaisy and Gravel

The girls and I found another winner this week. I had Friday off of work, so I loaded the kids up for a morning of running errands. We planned to cover a lot of territory, so the buggy board was strapped to the stroller in hopes of avoiding the dawdling feet of my 3-year-old. It seemed like a great idea, but there were two major drawbacks: 1) the uncoordinated feet of that 3-year-old's mother kicked the buggy board so many times that I broke my big toenail and bled all over the sidewalks of downtown; 2) with a baby in the stroller, a preschooler on the buggy board, "I just worked four 12-hour shifts this week" hair, and all sorts of bags draped from the stroller, I became a true "shlepper" and earned many interesting looks. But all of that aside, we accomplished a lot, found a great bakery along the way, and hit up one of our favorite parks.

The bakery: Grandaisy is a quaint little bakery in upper TriBeCa. When I got over my initial disappointment that they didn't have chocolate chip cookies, I decided 11:00am was late enough for lunch and we ordered two of their Roman-style pizzas and a panini dolce.
The pizza was incredible! I tried the zucco, a thin-crust pizza (served unheated, which worked well and didn't taste like the hardened piece of pizza sitting in a take-out box in the fridge (which I actually don't mind at all!)). It was topped with butternut squash, onions, gruyere cheese, and sea salt. Bursting with flavor and delicious! My picky eater had the plain pomodoro, which was simply crust and sauce, but also very tasty.
When I ordered the chocolate with cream cheese panini dolce, I thought it was a macaron-style cookie. So I initially felt that it was way too dry and crumbly. However, I quickly realized it was a chocolate shortbread cookie, and my opinion softened (though the cookie didn't). The shortbread had a deep chocolate flavor and the cream cheese had a yummy sourness to it. Not my favorite treat ever, but I was very satisfied.

To relax for a minute before trekking home, we stopped to play at Washington Market Park on Greenwich Street. Hannah adores the train and settled right in. And Abbie was so satisfied, after watching Hannah and me devour our delicious pizza and cookies, to sit in the dirt and eat some rocks.

Note: Grandaisy also has a location on the Upper West Side at 176 West 72nd St #2, New York, NY.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass

I love how so many places in New York City are named after the actual location - SoHo (South of Houston Street), TriBeCa (Triangle Below Canal Street), NoLita (North of Little Italy), etc. But DUMBO is not only my favorite name of the sort (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), but it's also one of my favorite places to visit. The in-laws were in town last week, so we spent an afternoon making the roundtrip to this charming Brooklyn neighborhood and of course ended up with some delicious treats along the way! Here's the tour:

Walk the Brooklyn Bridge.
Eat the best pizza in New York at Grimaldi's (the new location next door, but the same great pizza!)
Walk around Pier One. Ride Jane's Carousel (the girls adored it!!!) - the most joy that could possibly be packed into 3 minutes!
Make a stop at the French patisserie Almondine on Water Street. My father-in-law lived in France for two years, so he enjoyed the very French atmosphere of this picturesque little bakery (so picture-perfect that we had to veer around the newlyweds taking wedding photos on the front steps!).
Serious Eats dubbed Almondine the winner of the Brooklyn leg of the best chocolate chip cookie contest, therefore, I had no choice but to try it. The cookie was the same size as my apartment and absolutely delicious! Like a good New Yorker, it was crispy and soft at the same time, and it had an almost caramelized flavor (but not to the burnt-tasting extreme like City Bakery). I was wishing for a little more chocolate (don't let the picture fool you, there are more than 3 chocolate chips, but still not quite enough), but overall, a winner!
Since you can't go to a French bakery without indulging in fresh macarons, my mother-in-law picked out several of the colorful two-bite macarons to try (not realizing that the size in no way correlates with the price!). They were wonderful - dense yet perfectly fluffy, flavorful, and filled with delicious creams and jellies. I loved the pistachio, James preferred the black cherry, and Hannah enjoyed the chocolate. There were a dozen other pasteries that looked delicious as well, which gives us every excuse to come again!
Finally, ride the East River Ferry home.
It was a perfect day!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Traveling Sweet Tooth

We were recently in Utah to visit family, and of course it didn't take long for my mind to turn to treats! Thanks to my mother-in-law's killer baking skills, I usually have a full supply of sweets for our entire stay. But with a Utahn recently winning Cupcake Wars, of course I had to make a special trip to try her goods! After eating the cupcakes at Sweet Tooth Fairy, there is no question why Megan Brown won - her cupcakes are fantastic! I tried the chocolate with salted caramel frosting. The cake was moist, dense and full of flavor. The frosting had that perfect balance of savory/sweet that the sea salt adds to the caramel, and it was perfectly smooth. Loved it!
The red velvet cupcake was also good, but not quite the same blow-your-mind flavor (and the frosting has an almondy taste that caught me off guard).

Of course, being a cookie fanatic, I had to try a chocolate chip cookie. It was good, but I'd stick to the cupcakes. Honestly, if I weren't so spoiled by NY cookies, this one might top my list. But now that I know what's really out there, I missed the crispy exterior, soft middle, and quality dark chocolate. This cookie was soft all over and a little lacking in the chocolate. 

Finally, my sister-in-law has brought Sweet Tooth Fairy cake bites to family dinners on several occasions, and I HIGHLY recommend them! I think they are the best cake bites I've ever had. My favorite is red velvet, with double fudge being a close second. These are definitely rich and sweet, but perfectly so. Best of all, they deliver (and since this is a blog about New York City treats, this somehow makes this post a little more relevant)! They go on hiatus for the summer months to avoid delivering melted blobs, but will be back to usual on September 4th. 

As a side note, I love the tooth fairy. Whenever I lost a tooth, I was so excited to leave the tooth under my pillow and a cup of water next to my bed. In the morning, I'd have a dollar under my pillow and water dyed the color of the sweet fairy's dress. My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a family of 5 boys. His dad convinced them all that the tooth fairy was a hunchbacked ogre with mangled hands that sneaked into their rooms at night. Still hoping my tradition wins out when our girls start losing teeth....

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Yura Gonna Enjoy This!

I had some plans on the Upper East Side a couple weeks ago and was excited to finally be in the neighborhood of Yura on Madison. This gourmet prepared food market made the list of Serious Eats' Uptown Edition chocolate chip cookie taste test (and is one of the few on Serious Eats' list that I haven't tried yet). Everything in this restaurant looked amazing - both the entrees and bakery items. And I have to say that my Healthy Asian Chicken Wrap was so good that I find myself daydreaming about it at least once a day.
The chocolate chip cookie was obviously crunchy, which I typically don't prefer. But I went in with an open mind and was pleasantly surprised. There was not a bit of softness in the cookie, but instead of tasting like my sweet mom's burnt Pillsbury refrigerated break-the-dough-and-bake cookies, it had a great balance of flavor. It was buttery without being greasy, rich, and a little salty. I still prefer a cookie with a crunch on the exterior and a soft middle, but as far as hard cookies go, this was a winner.
The goodness of the day continued when we met some of our favorite people at the awesome Ancient Playground next to the Met. My little Egyptian goddess loved exploring the Nile as it flowed through the pyramids and obelisk. Great sprinkle park, but bring a hat and sunblock, because there is very little shade. And hopefully the water isn't recirculated, since Hannah told me she needed the potty, and in the time it took me to strap my baby into the stroller, Hannah had stripped her bathing suit off and was peeing in the drain. Oops!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sweet Stop at the Seaport

My husband and I were walking around the South Street Seaport the other night, trying to decide if we liked the area enough to take the plunge and sign on an apartment nearby. After a nice Italian dinner at Il Brigante, we walked up the block to Jack's Stir Brew, since I had heard they sell awesome cookies. We got there just as they were locking up for the night. But without any window banging or sad puppy looks on our part, a Jack's employee ran right over when he saw us and opened the doors. He said they were closing but might still be able to make us a drink or something. When I told him I just wanted to try one of their chocolate chip cookies, he grabbed us four. Free of charge! All around great place: awesome cookies, awesome customer service, and awesome location....we decided to move (and I'm more than a little excited to have this place close by!).

So this cookie is classic but somehow very unusual, which is why I like it so much. I actually enjoyed it more and more with each bite. It wasn't very buttery, but still had a rich, earthy flavor. I can't really put my finger on what made it taste so unique, but there's definitely a secret ingredient. Is there coffee in there (which would be fitting since Jack's Stir Brew is primarily a coffee shop)? I don't know, and I guess it's hard for this Mormon to be an expert on the flavor of coffee! Soft, chewy, dense, and the perfect size (it's not embarrassing to hold the whole thing in your hand and eat it!).

Other locations: 138 W 10th St in the West Village

Friday, July 6, 2012

Chelsea Market

After a fun morning at the park on Thursday, the kids and I wandered into Chelsea Market, and I was once again reminded how much I love this place! I just enjoy walking around, but it's also perfect for any visitors that want a New York tasting tour in a single location.
There are so many things to love about Chelsea Market, not the least of which is their wide selection of delicious treats. Here's a quick run-down, highlighting the chocolate chip cookies, of course:

1. Sarabeth's. This is just a middle-of-the-road classic chocolate chip cookie. This is just a Sarabeth's bakery, but if you ever have a chance to go to their restaurant, the lemon ricotta pancakes are to die for!

2. Jacques Torres. We know how I feel about these chocolate chip cookies - always #1 in my book.

3. People's Pops. This is a little popsicle and shave ice stand with some really interesting flavors. We had a peach and mint popsicle that had chunks of fresh peaches and little pieces of mint. The flavor combination worked surprisingly well; the mint was very subtle and fresh. Great popsicle, but not really worth $3.50.

Don't mind the grimy 3-year-old fingers holding the popsicle! I'd like to say they just look like that because we had been playing at the park!
4. The Lobster Place. Not a treat place at all (unless you're asking my dad), but don't miss the lobster roll. It's awesome. A real palate cleanser between treats! And the kids love to see the fresh seafood selection.

5. Amy's Bread. I've tried a bunch of great things here. The bread never disappoints (including the cinnamon roll - wow! Moist the whole way through.). As far as desserts go, the compost cookie wasn't my favorite. The idea is fun - oatmeal, coconut, chocolate chips, nuts, chips, and whatever else thrown together. But it was too dry and needed more butter. The chocolate chip cookie was good, but not real noteworthy (just go to Jacques Torres). The real winner is the chocolate cake. All I can say is best cake ever!
6. Ronnybrook Dairy. This place has the highest quality milk we've found in the city (my husband is a milk snob, having grown up in a dairy family in Utah) - almost Winder Dairy quality (I might be disowned from the family if I say otherwise!). Incredible shakes. And they've given Hannah free ice cream just for being cute. I don't blame them!

7. Fat Witch. I LOVE these brownies. And thank you Fat Witch for often having free samples. And for not judging me when I take extras "for my kids." And for being another reason why Hannah was really into witches. I love all of these dense, buttery, perfect brownies, but you can't beat the classic witch.
 8. Eleni's. They have some of the best decorated sugar cookies I've ever seen. Very creative, detailed, and fun. But their chocolate chip cookies are not good at all. Too floury and very dry. I took Hannah and  Grandma Winder to Chelsea Market on Halloween for some trick-or-treating. Great option for celebrating Halloween in the city, but beware, the decorations are SCARY! Even for me! Hannah still talks about the tall dead guy...nightmares.

Sweet girl. Dry cookie.
Thanks, Chelsea Market. We'll be back!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

My Love for Levain

I can't review cookies in NYC without including Levain Bakery. This place has definitely made a name for itself by creating some of the best cookies in the city.

These sky-high cookies definitely fit in with the landscape of this city, and yet, despite their massive height, they never fail to be perfectly cooked. They are crisp on the outside without any hint of being burned and soft and gooey in the middle but not at all doughy.
 In my opinion, the chocolate chip cookies are very good, but I'm not a huge fan of walnuts. I end up picking the nuts out and stop paying attention to the delicious cookie.

For me, the Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Chip is the cookie worth making an entire meal out of. The dark chocolate perfectly balances the rich peanut butter to create this incredible cookie.
And learn from my mistake: the Upper West Side location has a webcam that streams onto their website. Unfortunately, I didn't learn this until AFTER I nursed my baby right underneath the camera (luckily I was covered)...hopefully I didn't drive away too much business!

This is another chocolate chip cookie with a great copycat recipe. My favorite version is found here (and I leave the nuts out!).

Also in Harlem on 117th and Frederick Douglass.

Can't sleep? Must be cookies on the brain!

I've never taken advantage of Insomnia Cookies' late night cookie delivery, but I'm sure it won't be long before I break down on a night shift and get some cookies sent over. Insomnia is conveniently located two blocks from NYU Medical Center where I work, so I've stopped in many times after a long day.

And I've now found my favorite pick-me-up...The S'mores Deluxe! This cookie has a chocolate base and is strewn with marshmallows, chocolate chips, and graham cracker pieces. All the great memories of girls' camp in one giant cookie, without leaving my hair smelling like a campfire!

Their cookies are served straight out of the holding oven, but I actually like to let mine cool for a few minutes so that I can distinctly taste all the s'mores components. I love this gooey cookie enough that I bought two, wrapped them up, and shipped them to my pregnant sister-in-law in Utah (she loves s'mores, so I knew she'd appreciate this cookie as much as me!). Delicious.

As for their other cookies, they are good, but honestly not that memorable. Stick to the s'mores!

Two locations: 33rd St and 3rd Ave (Murray Hill), and 50 W 8th St (near NYU)

That came from a truck?!

Actually, Dessert Truck Works is no longer run out of their food truck and instead inhabits a cafe in the Lower East Side (and they've also changed their name to Cathcart and Reddy (going artisan on us!)). But even if they don't drive to you, this place is high on the list when it comes to treats and is definitely worth going out of your way.

This mountain of a chocolate chip cookie is rich, buttery, and soft. It's loaded with milk chocolate (or at least a lighter chocolate than Jacques Torres or others use) and was a little on the sweet side, but incredible in small doses.

Cathcart and Reddy also have some other amazing dessert choices. The molten chocolate cake didn't hit the spot for me (it was a little dry and didn't pack a lot of flavor), but it must have been an off day because I've heard it's incredible.

For me, even better than the chocolate chip cookie were the brioche donuts with Nutella filling. They were served fresh and hot and sprinkled with sugar. The texture was perfect - light and airy but with enough substance to satisfy. AWESOME! 

City Bakery: Good for so many reasons, except the CC cookie

Just an avenue and a half from City Cakes is City Bakery (name alert), which is another great stop in Chelsea. I love so many things about City Bakery: their incredible selection of farm fresh vegetables, pastas, and entrees; amazing hot chocolate; mini tables and a toy kitchen for the kids; and convenient location (near the F train and our church). However, I have been sadly disappointed on several occasions by their chocolate chip cookie. It looks perfect (on the same line as Jacques Torres: gigantic, crispy exterior, lots of dark chocolate). But it's all downhill from there. In my opinion, they use too much brown sugar, and it over caramelizes. So it has almost a burnt flavor, though it's not burnt but actually very chewy (actually almost too chewy to the point where it's a little airy). I've given it several chances and just can't make myself like it.
But, don't worry because there are some other great treat options at City Bakery!
1. The vegan chocolate chip cookie. I have no clue how you make a vegan CC cookie, but whatever magical ingredients they use to replace the eggs, butter and chocolate make this cookie amazing! And because it's missing dairy, I had dreams of it being's probably best I don't know what's in it.
2. Hot chocolate. I'd even drink this when it's 100 degrees's that good. It is so creamy and thick (I'm guessing whole milk and real chocolate - no powder here). And to top it off (literally) is the best homemade marshmallow I've ever had - springy, soft, melt-in-your-mouth. Awesome. For the best adventure, hit up their hot chocolate month in February when they have a new flavor each day (in addition to the classic). Amazing!

FYI: These cookie reviews hold true for Birdbath Neighborhood Bakery (14 St and 1st Ave) since City Bakery supplies their baked goods, but don't worry, I tried the cookies there too just to make sure!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

City Cakes: Another go-to favorite

City Cakes' cookies definitely hit high on our list of the best in New York. If you're ever in Chelsea, you definitely have to stop by this hidden little gem. The store is in the basement on a sleepy side street, but you will be glad for the detour. Their half pound (I promise we split it with friends!) "Rich Chocolate Chip Cookie" lives up to its name! It has a very smooth, buttery flavor and is soft and chewy throughout (despite the trend for crunchy exteriors, I like this change of pace). The flavor of the cookie tastes just like that perfect batch of cookie dough that never saw the oven, yet somehow it isn't an undercooked cookie. The chocolate chips are sweet, but not overwhelmingly so, and there is just the right amount of chocolate running through it to provide the perfect ratio. Don't try to eat too much in one sitting though. It is very rich and this isn't something you want to get sick of!
On subsequent trips, we also tried the Peanut Butter Reeses' Cup cookie, which was also incredible! The cookie had a rich peanut butter flavor without being too overwhelming. And it is perfect paired with Reeses' bits. Definitely a hit. The Spiced Triple Chocolate cookie wasn't as much of a success with the kids (we took a youth group). Maybe they just need to refine their palates, but truthfully, I'm not sure if I'd buy one again (especially when the chocolate chip and peanut butter are options!). The kids thought the spice mix was too powerful and overwhelmed the chocolate flavor. I thought it was an interesting flavor and the spices did cut down some of the sweetness of the chocolate.

It's also fun to stand in the tiny store and check out the amazing fondant work on the displayed cakes. Serious talent!

And the winner is...

There is no better place to start than with the very best. Despite trying countless chocolate chip cookies in the past year, one of the first cookies I tried in New York City remains my favorite. This cookie is large enough to feed a family for a day (or me and my daughter Hannah for an afternoon snack). It is soft and chewy in the middle with a crispy exterior. But it's the chocolate that makes the cookie. Giant discs of the best very dark chocolate are layered throughout the cookie so that every bite has the perfect balance of the sweet cookie and slightly bitter chocolate. It totally melts in your mouth (especially if you have them warm it up!). And the winner is...

Jacques Torres' Chocolate Chip Cookie!

I'm sure this doesn't come as a shock to many of you. Jacques Torres is a famous chocolatier, so it's no surprise that these celebrated chocolate chip cookies are very well known. And thanks to the New York Times, you can make them at home by going here. But beware, they are only as good as the chocolate that you use!

There are 5 locations: Upper West Side, Rockefeller Center, Chelsea Market, Hudson Street, and under the Brooklyn Bridge in Brooklyn.

 One last tip: if you go to a location that serves ice cream (UWS and Brooklyn), go for an ice cream cookie sandwich. You get to choose two full-sized cookies and a scoop of ice cream for much cheaper than buying all three separately! And at least try a sample of the wicked ice's chocolate with ancho and chipotle chili peppers that give it a great kick.

And introducing Hannah, my sidekick (this picture is almost a year old...she knows better now than to smile for a picture and leave her cookie unprotected!). Notice that the cookie is roughly the size of her head!