The red velvet cupcake was also good, but not quite the same blow-your-mind flavor (and the frosting has an almondy taste that caught me off guard).
Of course, being a cookie fanatic, I had to try a chocolate chip cookie. It was good, but I'd stick to the cupcakes. Honestly, if I weren't so spoiled by NY cookies, this one might top my list. But now that I know what's really out there, I missed the crispy exterior, soft middle, and quality dark chocolate. This cookie was soft all over and a little lacking in the chocolate.
Finally, my sister-in-law has brought Sweet Tooth Fairy cake bites to family dinners on several occasions, and I HIGHLY recommend them! I think they are the best cake bites I've ever had. My favorite is red velvet, with double fudge being a close second. These are definitely rich and sweet, but perfectly so. Best of all, they deliver (and since this is a blog about New York City treats, this somehow makes this post a little more relevant)! They go on hiatus for the summer months to avoid delivering melted blobs, but will be back to usual on September 4th.
As a side note, I love the tooth fairy. Whenever I lost a tooth, I was so excited to leave the tooth under my pillow and a cup of water next to my bed. In the morning, I'd have a dollar under my pillow and water dyed the color of the sweet fairy's dress. My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a family of 5 boys. His dad convinced them all that the tooth fairy was a hunchbacked ogre with mangled hands that sneaked into their rooms at night. Still hoping my tradition wins out when our girls start losing teeth....
your blog makes me hungry....and can I make an embarrassing confession? I have yet to try a Jaques Torres chocolate chip cookie. Fail! I need to work on that for sure.